Nitmod dalej rozwijany


Członek Załogi
Pomimo niedziałającej strony nitmod dalej funkcjonuje i jego nowa wersja ma się ukazać lada dzień.
Dla zainteresowanych nowościami:
- dodane zostaną tripmines (te zapomniane miny zaczepiane na ścianach)
- gaz trujący
- miny z gazem trującym

Lista zmian:
* Fixed: Crash when walking on <world>'s landmine
* Fixed: Vote/Referee menus bugs (mute/unmute overlapping)
* Added: Flag 128 to g_weapons: MG42 can get headshots
* Added: Flag 4 to g_TDMoptions: Disable Artillery Support during TDM
* Added: Flag 32 to g_DMoptions: Disable Artillery Support during DM
* Fixed: Last frag of the round announce was incorrect in DM
* Fixed: Players used to be gibbed randomly when dying during DM
* Fixed: Allow /timerset and /resettimer commands during warmup
* Fixed: Reset timer when map restarts
* Fixed: No more "Out of stock" sten in limbo, don't display at all if it doesnt carry over to medics and fieldops
* Fixed: cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch was broken
* team_maxTripmines now works correctly
* Tripmines display ammo like landmines (based on team_maxTripmines - the number of placed landmines)
* Fixed tickets #3 and #10 : Ammopack texture wasn't correct depending on the player's level
* Added: Flag 32768 to g_weapons : Enable Tripmines
* Modified: g_dropAmmo and g_dropHealth will now work in DM
* Added: Flag 64 to g_DMOptions : Disable health cabinets
* Added: Flag 128 to g_DMOptions : Disable Ammo cabinets
* Added: !delrecords shrubbot command to delete a map record. ex.: !delrecords oasis
* Fixed: Typos in shrubbot help strings
* Fixed: Typo in losing spree announce
* Fixed: Don't add duplicated forcecvar's with different values for the same cvar
* Finished Poison Gas Bomb implementation
* Fixed: Instant spawn bug when changing team (still needs some testing, but couldn't reproduce the bug locally)
Here is the list of recent changes :
* Fixed: Disarming tripmines now adds the tripmine to the correct team
* Added: g_friendlyFire flag 128 : Teammates don't activate Tripmines
* Increased max maps for gametype 6 from 32 to 64
* Added: g_misc flag 1 : Don't let teammates disarm dynamite near objective (only the dynamite owner can disarm it)
* Added: g_misc flag 2 : Don't give XP to the attacker if the victim has been AFK for 30+ seconds
* Fixed: Tripmines now use charge bar
* Fixed: Ticket #6 : ALT stats broken in DeathMatch
* Fixed: Satchel wasn't inflicting any damage in beta 1/2
* Removed some unused code
* Fixed: GARAND/K43 was not shown in limbo if g_weapons' 512 flag wasn't set
* Fixed: Stats now show up correctly in ALT stats and intermission for poison gas bombs/mines and tripmines
* Fixed: No activity warning for shrubbot admins with the "inactivity" flag
* Fixed: Tripmines count was wrong
* Fixed: Landmines count was not modified when planting poison gas mines
* Fixed: rcon can now setlevel higher than 64
* Fixed: Add XP for Poison gas/Tripmine kills
* Optimized many functions (probably more to come before 2.1 final)
Pozwól ze my ocenimy jak ci idzie :)
Nitmod to był troszeczkę niewypał więcej ludzi siedziało zawsze na NQ
Czyli na Serwerze jest nq, a co wy na JayModa. Zawsze grałem na nim bardzo dobrze się spisywał :P
mnie tam się nitmod podobał :D
ale tak fakt faktem na każdym modzie udawało nam się rozkręcić serwer na full :/ Czyli tak na prawdę nie ma znaczenia jaka modyfikacja, trzeba trochę pracy i czasu włożyć :/ albo juz po prostu jest za mało graczy :/ sami starzy wyjadacze którzy mają swoje serwery :/
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