// promod live v2 - sample server config v1.2
// for public ruleset customizations, see z_custom_ruleset.iwd
// info strings
sets _Admin "Matti"
sets _Email "[email protected]"
sets _Website "www.gamesboard.pl"
sets _Location "Poland"
sets _Irc "#gamesboard.pl"
sets sv_hostname "^5G^7ames^5B^7oard^5.pl ^7WARSERV ^[email protected]"
// password settings
set rcon_password "twojehaslorcon" // remote console password
set sv_privatePassword "haslonapriva" // private slots password
set g_password "haslodostepowe" // server password
// player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots
set sv_maxclients 13 // maximum number of clients
set sv_privateclients "" // number of private slots
// client download settings
seta sv_wwwDownload "0" // enable download redirection
seta sv_wwwBaseURL "" // defines url to download from
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // disconnect clients while downloading
// map rotation, change to your liking
set sv_maprotationcurrent ""
set sv_mapRotation "gametype war map mp_backlot gametype dom map mp_crash gametype koth map mp_crossfire gametype sab map mp_citystreets gametype sd map mp_strike gametype dm map mp_killhouse"
// promod settings
set promod_mode "custom_public" // promod mode, for a list of promod modes see attached readme
set promod_enable_scorebot "0" // match-modes only
//pb_sv_load iwd.cfg // stock-iwd checksum control, remove the "//" to enable and put iwd.cfg in your pb folder
// promod live v2 - sample server config v1.2
// for public ruleset customizations, see z_custom_ruleset.iwd
// info strings
sets _Admin "Matti"
sets _Email "[email protected]"
sets _Website "www.gamesboard.pl"
sets _Location "Poland"
sets _Irc "#gamesboard.pl"
sets sv_hostname "^5G^7ames^5B^7oard^5.pl ^7WARSERV ^[email protected]"
// password settings
set rcon_password "twojehaslorcon" // remote console password
set sv_privatePassword "haslonapriva" // private slots password
set g_password "haslodostepowe" // server password
// player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots
set sv_maxclients 13 // maximum number of clients
set sv_privateclients "" // number of private slots
// client download settings
seta sv_wwwDownload "0" // enable download redirection
seta sv_wwwBaseURL "" // defines url to download from
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // disconnect clients while downloading
// map rotation, change to your liking
set sv_maprotationcurrent ""
set sv_mapRotation "gametype war map mp_backlot gametype dom map mp_crash gametype koth map mp_crossfire gametype sab map mp_citystreets gametype sd map mp_strike gametype dm map mp_killhouse"
// promod settings
set promod_mode "custom_public" // promod mode, for a list of promod modes see attached readme
set promod_enable_scorebot "0" // match-modes only
//pb_sv_load iwd.cfg // stock-iwd checksum control, remove the "//" to enable and put iwd.cfg in your pb folder