funko fusion

Survival Disco Zbroja

command /disco [<text>]:
               if arg 1 is "on":
                       if player has permission "disco.on":
                               if {disco.%player%} is false:
                                        send "&7<&6*&7> &9Wlaczyles Disco Zbroje, aby wylaczyc relognij!"
                                        set {disco.%player%} to true
                                        loop 5000000 times:
                                                dye player's helmet black
                                                dye player's chestplate black
                                                dye player's leggings black
                                                dye player's boots black
                                                wait 0.1 seconds
                                                dye player's helmet blue
                                                dye player's chestplate blue
                                                dye player's leggings blue
                                                dye player's boots blue
                                                wait 0.1 seconds
                                                dye player's helmet green
                                                dye player's chestplate green
                                                dye player's leggings green
                                                dye player's boots green
                                                wait 0.1 seconds
                                                dye player's helmet pink
                                                dye player's chestplate pink
                                                dye player's leggings pink
                                                dye player's boots pink
                                                set {disco.%player%} to false
                                                send "&cNie masz uprawnien do tej komendy &7(Disco.ON)"
on join:
        set {disco.%player%} to false
Przydatny kod na Disco zbroję.
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